You’d Like It If I Used Your Name, Wouldn’t You?

I cut you off,

Like cutting cords

One by one,

By three

Now I’ll never look at neon-lit garages

Without your perfume

Shivering through my neurons –

Haunting me


Alone, too old

Wrapped in the smoke of memories

The nights when my DJ was literally a ghost,

Mind-flashes a sigh of long-dead boys;

Blonde hair and eyes as wide as a Nebraska sky

Chewing gum smashed, grinning, between labret-chipped teeth

And wild purple cowboy dreams…

Phones animating in the bliss of Ecstasy-spinning eyes

Clove smoke that swirled

Round the ghost of your tracing fingers –

They wrapped so warm through mine…

When scrolling alien intelligence

Whirled wild across neon blacklit tubes

In a charred-down building:

I know our ghosts haunt the yuppies, now

I miss you

And I miss you already

I saw my shadow –

It still looked 16


You pulverised my soul.

I don’t know how anything

Is recognisable



So answer me this, B –

Will the DJ ever be a ghost, again?

Should I even want it to be?

You were an asshole

But you were my asshole


Thanks for ruining my favourite band


Thanks for taking me to that stadium

Sitting on the roof, high above, with…



Who knows

That was the glory of you

Unexpected, luminous, amazing


Crazy, comforting,



I’ll never really know

I can sense you here, by the way

I’m not that blind, you know

You think you sneak under the radar

But baby, you don’t – you glow.

If I play that band, will you come back to me?

Spooky chemistry at a distance?

Anything is possible

And raising the dead

Is so much easier

Than moving the living…


I miss you…

…but don’t come back.

You aren’t welcome here –

I can love and resent you,

In one singular breath.

You thought that was my weakness

You prayed for my hate

For meltdowns and breakdowns and suicide attempts –

But where you imagined weakness,

You failed to see complexity

So no…

I don’t hate you, B,

You showed me your world

It far out-sparkled mine:

You may have crushed my soul to dust,

But what I do with my memories

Is mine.

You’re loved, but you’re not welcome –

Your memory shines brighter

Than any truth of you.

You taught me

That nothing

Is prettier

Than a lie –

Your bullshit was beautiful


But it was,



4 Responses to “You’d Like It If I Used Your Name, Wouldn’t You?”

  1. I adore your writing Dorian and was looking to reread your posts on Eden and the band but can’t find it? I bought your book but the posts on here were fantastic and I really hope you repost them 💜

    • Aww, thank you! ❤ Yeah, the Eden blog is long gone, but I have been thinking I might repost to this blog the odd entry that stood the test of time. I am also, as ever, eternally, working on their first full length novel – it's been rebooted and rebooted since 2011, and I feel like it's finally getting close to right…but I suspect it'll still be at least another 2 years before I'm finished and happy with it 😦 Simultaneously drawn with magnetic, persistent force to those characters, but also totally burned out with the repetition of that novel now D: Gah! It is my biggest life ambition though, to FINALLY get Eden & co's book out there… I hope that wish comes true someday 🙂 (And the bits that are written so far, I am SO excited for! That characters and plotlines and style have grown and changed with me for 12 years now, & I'm so damn glad I didn't self publish in the early days. Only with maturity and the miseries of increasing age can I finally capture vampire characters through the right lens, so…I hope it'll be worth the wait ❤ )

  2. gesamtszenario Says:

    Okay, just going by what I know from your writing…
    This is about “Ricky”, isn’t it?

    • Heh, actually no! T’was someone a little more recent, who I’ve never mentioned, and god only knows if I ever will, because it’s such a weird thing, and there’s so many lies and unknowns that I still don’t have straight, and honestly doubt I ever will… :-/ I don’t know whether they were soul-deep a manipulative narcissist and the only reason I feel anything is calculated lovebombing, or whether those good times were actually real, and they just had fucking issues, and were caught up with a bad crowd at the time – no idea. Zero closure…but the more time passes, the more I lean towards ‘yup, you were a narcissist’. Nonetheless, I had some amazing times with them, and I’m determined to dissect my memories, and get to keep the things I enjoyed, whilst being wholly aware that it was all fake!

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